
Paul Wesley, who play vampire Stefan Salvator in The Vampire Diaries, recently spoke to Vanity Fair (Italy) and thanked Twilight and Robert Pattinson for the success of the series


VF: Do you follow the Twilight series?

 PW: “No, I have only seen a few scenes. But I have to thank Twilight because it gave me a job without Robert Pattinson and his films, I do not think that the Vampire Diaries would have been produced”



We all know that after Twilight came out
 there has been a flooding of vampire tv shows and movies.
 One I most recently talked about was Vampires Suck
and it was just that.
However I do love me some Vampire Diaries and True Blood.
It’s just like Paul Wesley to give thanks where thanks is due.
 I love this man!


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